SulCom Winter Weather Program

Like other areas of the United States, winter weather has significant impact on Southern Wisconsin in much the same manner as severe weather.  As a result SulCom had developed an initial version of the Winter Weather Program in late 2001.  Availability of user-friendly tools over the years has necessitated program revisions to accommodate those tools.

Program details and reference information is located in the left pane under the “Winter Weather” heading.  The best approach is to start at the top and work down from there.

As can be seen, much of the structure used for the Severe Weather Program is also used for the Winter Weather program.  Examples of this include the focus on personal safety, structure and elements of the report format, and the use of measurable criteria.  However, there are some differences. 

Routine winter weather ground truth data collection does not require team interaction or execution when it comes to method of conveyance of information.  The “Standard Winter Weather Program” is used in these scenarios and in this regard there is no volunteer staffing at the office for this program.  Standard program protocols are used in these cases.

There may be scenarios where the needs fall outside of the Standard Winter Weather Program.  The “Callup Winter Weather Program” is used in these scenarios.  Specifics regarding data element needs, method of information conveyance, etc. are provided as needed.

Electronic modes are used as the primary means of information conveyance for the Standard Winter Weather Program activities where they are regarded as secondary for Severe Weather Program activities.  Callup Winter Weather Program instances may use any of the available methods of conveyance.  Volunteer staffing at the office may be needed in these scenarios as well.

Please review the information provided.  As always, the information shown is subject to change but every effort will be made to notify participants as this occurs.

Any questions can be submitted to the webmaster .