Remember TLCS -- Time, Location, Condition, Source!

All reports are to be made in TLCS format. Please give them in this order, as the report forms are made as such, and speed is important here. When reporting, please speak slowly, and use standard phonetics.

DO NOT use Q signals!

When giving a location, please use the following 4-part grid. Sullivan Weather operators need the Relay Stations to ensure that the location of the event is exact, so that minimal time is spent finding the location on a map at the WFO MKX office.

Time of Event (not the time of your report... the storm began at 6:05pm)

Location (exact -- SW Milwaukee County, Hales Corners, HWY 100 and Edgerton)

Condition (4 measured inches of snow in 2.5 hours)

Source (the station observing the snow... KC0ARF)

The Source must ALWAYS be an Amateur Radio Callsign.

Please note that our nets do not accept "hearsay" traffic, such as weather reports heard on the police band or commercial radio. Please do not submit them.